Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ginger: Zingiber officinale

What do we know about ginger? Well we know that it helps when we have an upset stomach. As a child I remember whenever we had an upset stomach or nausea we would drink strong ginger ale to overcome the sickness. And it worked. So what is in ginger that makes it so beneficial. Well let's see.

Ginger has long been used as an herbal medicine, its most notable uses are to aid in the relief of nausea and vomiting. Many studies have looked at the effects of ginger regarding a wide range of causes of nausea. In the United States ginger extract is found in supplements to relieve nausea and vomiting caused by surgery, motion sickness, pregnancy, and chemotherapy. Ginger has been proven to aid in the treatment of bacteria-triggered diarrhea, which is the leading cause of infant death in developing countries, by binding the toxins released the bacteria. Ginger is also thought to help reduce inflammation. As a result, studies are looking at whether ginger can be a useful treatment for muscle and joint pain, including pain caused rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Wow. Ginger has proven its self to be a super spice. Most of the studies on ginger are still ongoing to get the medical stamp of approval. However Mama's home remedies is enough proof for me.

Source: http://mason.gmu.edu/~ekendric/projects/plant/plant.htm

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