Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Powerful Punch of Dates

Fiber, potassium, carbohydrates, and vitamins. All of those great benefits are packed inside of one date. Dates have been a food staple for thousands of years dating back to pre-midevil era.

Energy Snack:

Dates make a great energy snack by providing over 30 grams of carbohydrates. These carbs are split among naturally occurring amounts of fructose, glucose, and sucrose.

Potassium Punch:

Dates have a great source of Potassium. Potassium is needed in the body to maintain the heart muscles, nervous system, and balance metabolism levels. A lot of Potassium is lost because of sweat but can be replenished by a great fruit such as Dates.

The Good Complex:

Dates have some complexity to them as well but not in the bad way. Riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B-6, niacin and pantothenic acid are all B-complex vitamins that can be found in Dates. These vitamins help the body with regard to blood glucose levels, fatty acids, and hemoglobin levels.

Strong Bones:
Dates contain Magnesium which aid bone development and red blood cell function from the Iron that is also enhanced from the Magnesium. Red blood cells deliver nutrients to the cells in the body.

A Lasting Impression:
If you aren't impressed by the great benefits of Dates by now then you should know that they are FAT FREE and CHOLESTEROL FREE! Stop by your local market and pickup some DATES!


Source: http://www.familynutritiononline.com/Health%20Articles/health_benefits_of_dates.htm

photo credit: Itinerant Tightwad via photopin cc

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