Sunday, March 16, 2014

Cinnamon: More Than Just A Kitchen Spice

Cinnamon among the many spices has a very pleasant smell and it's a must have for morning meals like oatmeal, spice muffins, banana bread and the like. Cinnamon is also a natural preservative so one does not have to worry about harsh chemicals in preserving food for longer shelf life.

Cinnamon has been used for many benefits unrelated to food. 
The benefits are as follows:

Fights acne
Encourages hair growth
It repels bug
Reduces tension
Stimulates blood flow
Helps brain function
Improves memory and focus
Heals tissues
Fights infection

Always remember Cinnamon in its most natural form will have the most benefits. 

photo credit: tuli nishimura via photopin cc

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