Sunday, March 16, 2014

Loaded With Vitamins A & C, Kale Is A-Okay!

Kale is being to referred to as the "new beef", the best of the super foods, and a nutritional powerhouse. There are many benefits to adding kale to your daily diet but here we will only mention the benefits of vitamins A & C that kale contains as it relates to the body:

  • Vitamin A- Vitamin A is great for your vision and eyesight and protects against various cancers mainly lung cancer.
  • Vitamin C- Kale is high in vitamin C with help with hydration, boosting you immune system, and giving a well needed kick to your metabolism.

These are just a few brief benefits of incorporating kale into your daily diet.  To find our more about the benefits of kale contact a nutritionist or your physician.


photo credit: elana's pantry via photopin cc

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