Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What Health Benefits Does Apples Have?

As we have all heard the well known phrase "An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away". 
This may actually be true weighting in on the massive health and nutritional benefits apples possess. They are many in number and we will list a few from each category. Also we will post a delicious apple recipe to have some versatility in eating an apple a day.


Brain: Apples help the brain due to antioxidants that protect brain cells against damage from free radicals, which aids the memory. 

Cells: Apples are beneficial in the fight against cancer because they contain Quercitin, a bioflavenoid, which has been shown to have a anti-mutengenic effect on cancer cells of the lungs.

Colon: Apples are great for the colon because, studies have shown that apples, and particularly the skin, decreases the risk of cancer of the colon. It is important to eat apples in their raw and unpeeled state.

Heart: Eating apples is associated with a lower risk of death from heart disease, an association that’s thought to be related to their content of antioxidant flavonoids. Apple consumption has also been associated with a decreased risk of coronary heart disease according to the New York Fruit Quarterly.(2)

Liver : Apples have been found to be beneficial to the liver due to their malic acid content. This acid tends to reduce the size of gallstones and debris as well as elimination from the gallbladder and liver.

Lungs: Apples have been shown to reduce risk of lung cancer by half in those who ate a lot of apples. Apple eaters also saw benefits in cases of asthma, tuberculosis and respiratory disease as well.

Vitamin C
Folic Acid


Simple Apple Crisp
3-4 Apples
Flour mix (either pancake mix or cake mix)

Preheat oven 350 F
Oil dish
Place cut apples in pan 
Sprinkle cinnamon and honey on apples to coat them nicely
Spread flour mix across top of apples covering them completely
Cut butter in squares and place evenly across top of flour mix
Sprinkle Cinnamon on top and place in oven. 
Bake for about 20 minutes or until golden brown on top
Let Simple Apple Crisp cool off for abt 5 minutes.

DisclaimerThe information in this post not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.


SuperfoodHD IPhone app By Bette Shaw

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