Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Why Shea Butter?

"Shea Butter Benefits & So Much More"

Shea butter has become a staple in almost every beauty product that coins themselves as leading in moisturizing and nourishing the skin. So the question we ask ourselves is why?
Well here is why:

- daily moisturizer (whole body)
- dry skin relief
- help with skin 
- relieves chap and cracked skin.             
- stretch mark prevention during pregnancy
- helps with irritated skin during eczema outbreaks
- sun blocking agent
- restores hair luster
- helps heal cuts and burns
- non -toxic
- beneficial fats that promote cell regeneration and circulation            

If these attributes of shea butter haven't convinced you then I don't what will. I will be sure to have this all purpose butter a staple in my beauty regime.            

photo credit: pabadoo via photopin cc

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