Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ginger: Zingiber officinale

What do we know about ginger? Well we know that it helps when we have an upset stomach. As a child I remember whenever we had an upset stomach or nausea we would drink strong ginger ale to overcome the sickness. And it worked. So what is in ginger that makes it so beneficial. Well let's see.

Ginger has long been used as an herbal medicine, its most notable uses are to aid in the relief of nausea and vomiting. Many studies have looked at the effects of ginger regarding a wide range of causes of nausea. In the United States ginger extract is found in supplements to relieve nausea and vomiting caused by surgery, motion sickness, pregnancy, and chemotherapy. Ginger has been proven to aid in the treatment of bacteria-triggered diarrhea, which is the leading cause of infant death in developing countries, by binding the toxins released the bacteria. Ginger is also thought to help reduce inflammation. As a result, studies are looking at whether ginger can be a useful treatment for muscle and joint pain, including pain caused rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Wow. Ginger has proven its self to be a super spice. Most of the studies on ginger are still ongoing to get the medical stamp of approval. However Mama's home remedies is enough proof for me.

Source: http://mason.gmu.edu/~ekendric/projects/plant/plant.htm

Friday, May 16, 2014

Cherries: Lower Risk of Cancer


Cherries contain numerous phytochemicals and nutrients, many of which are well studied in the laboratory. They also contain dietary fibers which is linked to lower risk of colorectal cancer. Consuming high amounts of dietary fiber may also help people control their weight by giving a feeling of fullness. That is important to cancer risk because excess body fat increases the risk of seven different cancers.

In the research concerning foods with dietary fibers studies show that they convincingly lower the risk of colorectal cancer. While diets high in fruit has a possiblity of lowering risk in mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, lung, and stomach cancers.

This research was conducted by American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) which stated that their research is ongoing and will be updated as new information comes. 

The famous quote "You are what you eat" is true. If you eat health and find the benefit in foods you may prevent these cancers and the like. The information is massive the research is constantly being update. It just takes an individual to want to live healthy and naturally.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What Health Benefits Does Apples Have?

As we have all heard the well known phrase "An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away". 
This may actually be true weighting in on the massive health and nutritional benefits apples possess. They are many in number and we will list a few from each category. Also we will post a delicious apple recipe to have some versatility in eating an apple a day.


Brain: Apples help the brain due to antioxidants that protect brain cells against damage from free radicals, which aids the memory. 

Cells: Apples are beneficial in the fight against cancer because they contain Quercitin, a bioflavenoid, which has been shown to have a anti-mutengenic effect on cancer cells of the lungs.

Colon: Apples are great for the colon because, studies have shown that apples, and particularly the skin, decreases the risk of cancer of the colon. It is important to eat apples in their raw and unpeeled state.

Heart: Eating apples is associated with a lower risk of death from heart disease, an association that’s thought to be related to their content of antioxidant flavonoids. Apple consumption has also been associated with a decreased risk of coronary heart disease according to the New York Fruit Quarterly.(2)

Liver : Apples have been found to be beneficial to the liver due to their malic acid content. This acid tends to reduce the size of gallstones and debris as well as elimination from the gallbladder and liver.

Lungs: Apples have been shown to reduce risk of lung cancer by half in those who ate a lot of apples. Apple eaters also saw benefits in cases of asthma, tuberculosis and respiratory disease as well.

Vitamin C
Folic Acid


Simple Apple Crisp
3-4 Apples
Flour mix (either pancake mix or cake mix)

Preheat oven 350 F
Oil dish
Place cut apples in pan 
Sprinkle cinnamon and honey on apples to coat them nicely
Spread flour mix across top of apples covering them completely
Cut butter in squares and place evenly across top of flour mix
Sprinkle Cinnamon on top and place in oven. 
Bake for about 20 minutes or until golden brown on top
Let Simple Apple Crisp cool off for abt 5 minutes.

DisclaimerThe information in this post not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.


SuperfoodHD IPhone app By Bette Shaw

Why Shea Butter?

"Shea Butter Benefits & So Much More"

Shea butter has become a staple in almost every beauty product that coins themselves as leading in moisturizing and nourishing the skin. So the question we ask ourselves is why?
Well here is why:

- daily moisturizer (whole body)
- dry skin relief
- help with skin 
- relieves chap and cracked skin.             
- stretch mark prevention during pregnancy
- helps with irritated skin during eczema outbreaks
- sun blocking agent
- restores hair luster
- helps heal cuts and burns
- non -toxic
- beneficial fats that promote cell regeneration and circulation            

If these attributes of shea butter haven't convinced you then I don't what will. I will be sure to have this all purpose butter a staple in my beauty regime.            

photo credit: pabadoo via photopin cc

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Children Who Enjoy a Healthy Diet Have Been Linked to Higher IQ Levels

Recent research conducted at the University of Adelaide has shown that children who eat healthier food have a higher IQ than children who eat unhealthy or "junk" food.  The study as led by Dr. Lisa Smithers, a health researcher at the University of Adelaide. She researched the link between the diets of youngsters aged 6 months to 15 months and then to 24 months and their IQ at eight years of age. 

The study of approximately 7,000 or more children looked at a range of foods including traditional home prepared food, ready made baby food, and junk foods. The aim of the study was to take a look at how diet plays a role in the development of brain tissues in the first two years of life. Dr. Smithers highlighted that children who were breastfed at 6 months and ate healthy fruits and vegetables had up to two points higher on their IQ by the age of 8. 

On the flip side those children who ate biscuits, chocolates, and other foods like that in their first two years by the age of eight had an IQ 2 points lower than the first group who ate food that was healthy.  There was also shown a negative effect on children who consumed prepared baby food but did show positive results when they ate this food at 24 months. The difference in IQ may be small in size but it does show that diet patterns at 24 months does have a residual effect at age 8.  Dr. Smithers was quoted as saying that its important to consider the impact of the foods we feed our children long term.

Source: http://www.healthymuslim.com/articles/xpvqnyppm-healthy-diets-in-children-lead-to-higher-iq.cfm

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Loaded With Vitamins A & C, Kale Is A-Okay!

Kale is being to referred to as the "new beef", the best of the super foods, and a nutritional powerhouse. There are many benefits to adding kale to your daily diet but here we will only mention the benefits of vitamins A & C that kale contains as it relates to the body:

  • Vitamin A- Vitamin A is great for your vision and eyesight and protects against various cancers mainly lung cancer.
  • Vitamin C- Kale is high in vitamin C with help with hydration, boosting you immune system, and giving a well needed kick to your metabolism.

These are just a few brief benefits of incorporating kale into your daily diet.  To find our more about the benefits of kale contact a nutritionist or your physician.

Source: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-4408/Top-10-Health-Benefits-of-Eating-Kale.html

photo credit: elana's pantry via photopin cc